O N E   T A S K


How does this service differ from others?

This service is mainly for those who:
1) don’t have the time to join an ESL program, because they have full-time responsibilities;
2) have learned to study learn English mostly on their own, mainly through the Web;
3) still feel that they need a tutor to help them with a few specific tasks, especially tasks that they need to practice in order to meet their goals.

If I’m not one of these people, does that mean I can’t use this service?

Not necessarily! Any English learner can use this service!
For example, if you’re on the waitlist to join an ESL program, but you want to review some English tasks while you’re waiting, you could definitely use this service. It would help you practice what you think you need most, so that when you’re invited to join an ESL program, you’ll feel more confident!

What are the conditions for using this service?

You must 18 years of age or over.
You must be at least a "high-beginner" level. (evidenced by being able and comfortable to communicate continually in simple English)
You must be comfortable using computers and the Web.
Previous use of Zoom is not required but recommended.
You must meet all technological requirements, as explained below.

*NOTE: It doesn’t matter what status you are – you can be an inhabitant outside of Canada, a refugee, permanent resident, or even a Canadian citizen in order to use this service, provided that you agree to the terms and conditions featured in the email sent to you after you meet the tutor in a 15-minute consultation session.

As of 2024, the minimum technological requirements for online learning across different operating systems are generally as follows:
PC requirements:
- HDD: Minimum 250GB or SSD: Minimum 128GB
- RAM: Minimum 4GB DDR4
- Processor: Intel Core i3 (10th generation onwards) or AMD Ryzen series
- Operating System: Windows 10 or later
- HDD: Minimum 250GB or SSD: Minimum 128GB
- RAM: Minimum 4GB DDR4
- Processor: Intel Core i3 (10th generation onwards) or equivalent
- Operating System: MAC OS 10.10 or later
- HDD: Minimum 250GB or SSD: Minimum 128GB
- RAM: Minimum 4GB DDR4
- Processor: Comparable to Intel Core i3 (10th generation onwards)
- Compatible Linux distribution
For all systems, you'll also need:
- A working internet connection
- A web browser (Firefox/Brave/Opera/Chrome/Edge for Windows, Firefox/Brave/Safari/Chrome for Mac)
- A 720p (HD) webcam for streaming
- A computer microphone or external microphone
While you may use a laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone, a laptop or desktop is highly recommended for best results.

Is there anything I receive from this service, besides the lesson itself?

Yes – you get these things, following each lesson:
- a final “post-lesson” (i.e. after the class) assessment – you can do it when time permits you; however, the sooner you do it, the sooner I’ll give you feedback!
- after you do the post-lesson assessment, I will give written feedback to you, informing you how you progressed during the lesson (and, as a result of the test)
- all notes that I gave you in the lesson (I will place them on a PowerPoint file, which I can then send to you.)
- a link containing a video/audio recording of the session (but this link will expire in 5 days)

Do you require the entire payment “up front”, before the lesson begins?

Yes. The timing of such a payment indicates that you are committed to attending and participating in the lesson.

If the class has more than 1 student attending (anywhere from 2 to 4 students) and 1 or more of them do not show up, what happens then?

If the payment has already been made, one of the following things can happen:
- the entire group can decide to postpone or cancel the session. If so, the representative group member who made the payment will be fully refunded.
- if the remaining group still decides to move ahead with the session, there will be no refund BUT the person who didn’t show up can still access the session’s recording in the 5-day period that the link to the recording is active.

I don’t understand the meanings of some of the tasks that are in the task menu! What do I do?

If you don’t know what any of these tasks means, send us an email at info@onetaskenglish.com
Another way you can find out a task’s meaning is to highlight and copy a task name, and paste it into the Google search engine (or another one like DuckDuckGo or Brave).
After tapping or clicking on Enter, a page of results (including webpages and videos) will appear. You may be able to understand what the task is about by viewing one or more of these resources.

I’m just overwhelmed when I look at all of the tasks listed in the task menu! I feel like I don’t know English at all!

It’s not necessary to do all of these tasks well – or even many of them – in order to meet your goals. Remember, the most important thing to do is to find out what your immediate, specific goals are for learning English, and then to choose the task(s) that will help you meet them!

What if – after I’ve paid – I have an emergency situation and I can’t attend the lesson in part or in whole?

You will have your payment refunded in part or in whole, depending on your situation.

I don’t know what specific tasks I might need help with. How do I find out?

Here are some ideas:
- approach anyone you know who speaks fluent English – your co-workers, managers, family members or friends – and ask them how your communication could develop.
- participate in an Intermediate English Conversation group at a local library in the city you live in. (The sessions are usually offered for free.) While taking part in these group sessions, ask the other participants, and the group leader, for feedback on your progress.
- take the Canadian Language Benchmarks Online Self-Assessment Tool (www.clb-osa.ca). It will assess your language proficiency in reading and listening. This is especially good to take if you have a goal to get accepted into a certificate, diploma or bachelor program at a university or college, and you want to achieve the necessary benchmark (CLB 7/8) for this purpose. You would do this by taking the English Test Language Assessment (available in your city’s language assessment centre, like this one in Calgary, Alberta).
- take practice tests for the CELPIP Test. If you are applying for Canadian permanent residency or Canadian citizenship, you will be required to take the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) test. This website can allow you to take practice tests for the CELPIP-General and CELPIP-General LS. More practice tests and resources for CELPIP can be found here, here and here.
- take practice tests for IELTS or its equivalents. If you are aiming to get into a post-secondary program that requires you to take the IELTS test or one of its entrance exam equivalents, you can find practice tests on these sites:
a) British Council IELTS
b) IELTS Resources for Self-Study
c) CAEL Free Practice Tests
d) TOEFL Practice Tests and Resources
e) Duolingo Practice Test with Answers
f) Pearson Test of English Practice Assessment

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