O N E   T A S K


For self-learners who need help with specific tasks for specific goals

One Task English Chart

What goals?

  • Preparing to move to Canada
  • Speaking well for entry-level or service jobs
  • Using English for everyday life
  • CELPIP prep for permanent resident status
  • Trying to get into college or university through IELTS (or equivalent) prep
  • Surviving and thriving in the world of academic English
Your English Goal

Choose a task

Once you've choosen a goal, you'll choose a task. Here are just a few tasks in each category that learners often need help with.

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Moving to Canada

Knowing documents you need for coming here

Reading & understanding conditions for coming

Filling out application forms for coming here

Task for entry-level jobs

Speaking clearly to managers and co-workers

Taking orders at fast-food places

Helping customers and making sales at retail stores

Speaking clearly for Uber or Skip-The-Dishes jobs

English for everyday

Speaking clearly to kids' teachers, landlords and work managers

Writing professional emails

Answering job interview questions

Calling 911 (emergency) or 811 (nurse hotline)


Listening tasks

Speaking tasks

Reading tasks

Writing tasks

What people say

And here (below) are some testimonials from students I’ve had the pleasure of working with!

Do you need help working out a task plan for your need?

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